Free zone Company

Free zone Company

Freezone Company formation in UAE is one of the most preferred business setups as it allows foreign companies and investors to own 100% shareholding of the company. This is an attractive feature when compared to Mainland Company formation in UAE where it requires having a partner who is a UAE national holding 51%shareholding.

Freedom to trade globally

An investor may trade internationally and this allows him to connect globally in business. It is indeed a good opportunity for...

Freedom to expand your business

With a Dubai Mainland company registration, a company can have more than one branch and also has permission to conduct a wide...

100% ownership

With mainland company formation in Dubai, 100% ownership is given to the investors. This is one of the most attractive features...

Freedom to take up Government projects

Mainland companies in Dubai are given the freedom to take government contractual work. They can enjoy establishing a long-term...

0% corporate and personal income taxes

Exemption from corporate tax and personal income taxes are enjoyed by Dubai Mainland companies...


Frequently Asked Questions on Business Licenses in UAE

Emirates First offers Company formation and its related services throughout all of the freezones in UAE

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Free zone company setup in UAE

A business setup in UAE Freezone is a brilliant option for expatriates from all across the world. For the ownership benefit itself, it has become a popular trading hub of the region. The business support environment offered by the FreeZone authority and UAE government are very impressive as far as investors are concerned.

All of the benefits together make each of the Free Zone host more than 8000 companies.

I want to start a new company in UAE

Mainland Company

Freezone Company

Not Sure

I already have an existing company

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